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It's not a virus, unfortunately most of the games I make give false positives, I think it's a problem with the engine, I wish I could solve this

it set off my windows malware protection and my rav endpoint- you sure its not?- /nm

Absolutely sure, I would never create something to harm someone, much less doing what I like (games)

Hello. What happened to your other upcoming game, Night Maniac? 

There have been some unforeseen events, some people have said that Night Maniac is a horrible copy of Night Shift, and I thought... I ended up agreeing a bit, the prologue of the game is too similar to Night Shift, so I am recreating the game, with the prologue changed

Oh, sorry to hear that. Though I'm glad you're reworking the game instead of abandoning it. I don't want to come off as rude or condescending, however I would like to advice you to pay attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar in general. It's often thought of as insignificant, but it can be a large immersion breaker for some people and avoiding it only makes the experience better. If you need any help regarding the game's text, please let me know!

You are right, I will pay more attention to that, thank you very much for wanting to help! 👍