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When is the v0.3.5 coming for Android

Try joiplay

Joiplay can not launch unity games


I've been really impatient these days, my fault!

I totally forgot that this is unity, I'm not used to it.

The Dev is already posting stuff about the next update, so I doubt there's going to be a 3.5 version of Android. You'd be better off spending your time or money elsewhere.

(1 edit)

yeah, I am and will still be waiting rather then pay money, I mean.. I've been waiting for a while now, and I am not willing to risk paying for something that may not be worth it.

Well, we'll have to wait for the update

with inpatient I meant, that I didn't notice that this was a unity game.

I can wait for updates, even if it takes 2 years.

me too, bro

Hey does this game have ntr I really hate it or gangbang?

idk, I haven't played for a long time