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Marble Marcher is simple looking overall, having only the "stage" to look at, but still manages to be a treat for the eyes through the use of colors and fractal patterns. I may not be able to speak at length on the technical aspects of things, but I can definitely appreciate a unique experience such as this.

Good job on this, devs. People should do more with this idea.

Thanks for playing this!  I have to admit It was painful to watch the low fps 😅  Definitely run it at a lower resolution if you do play it later on.  The frame rate is certainly more important than high resolution for gameplay.

Going by your game's settings, I have to run it like I don't have a dedicated GPU in order to maintain absolute 60 fps, and at that point it looks like someone crumpled up a paper then tried to flatten it back out. That felt offensive to the game so, in the video, I was running it at 720 to balance gameplay/fps and visuals so people got more of a feel for the experience.