Thank you so much. I think you and some other people complaining about moBlur are right... I don't need it, I barely notice it, it only serves to bog down some slower computers, why not lose it? I'll def make it an 'option' next revision, if not lose it altogether.
RE; the plank.... I think the problem might be that people are unaccustomed to items being used in this way. Up til that point, everything you can pick up and use is either a key or a suncube (a key by another name). I haven't given the player cause to look at items as actual physical things with possible practical uses... I don't want to get rid of the plank puzzle, and most of my testers figured it out and liked it, so maybe I'll just introduce the concept of practical items earlier, to get the player thinking in that direction. You DO have stones, I know, but they are useless. Hmm.