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"that number you came up with is outrageous"
ikr, i was completely outraged. and then oops, you got covid and took a month off, now its a $500 game 

(7 edits)

You realize I've never had COVID in my life, right? You could scour my entire timeline on Discord, Patreon, etc. and you'll never see one mention of it, because I didn't say it.

With all due respect because I'm assuming(?) you're a fan of the game... stop getting yourself riled up by gobbling up false information and rumors. It doesn't help you, it doesn't make you or anyone else feel better, it gets in the way of your ability to enjoy what we're creating (new chapter out this month), and you're misleading people on top of it all.

I haven't taken a month off of work since age 16, and that includes since starting game development. We work on the games every day and love doing it. There was one exception when Radiant's artist had to take a family trip to Portugal, and he had some health and general life concerns that he needed to address about a half a year earlier... but I personally continued to work during these times.

Anyways, I wish you all the best and apologize if we've upset or annoyed you in some way. That's not something we'd ever intentionally do.

thats like, another $1.30 on the price of the game for the time its taken for the dev to reply to me