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(1 edit)

The visuals, the UI, and the presentation of this game is amazing! I also love the summon system~  There's a ton of potential for this game to be something greater than what it's already shown. Though I must agree with Retro's feedback, it can help improve the game a lot if its followed, like the asset matching and the fixing of translation. :D Otherwise, keep it up! ^_^


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the details! I had a lot of fun putting them in. In the future we will updated from the translation and fix bugs. I really appriciated for your suggestion. 

If you have stuck condition from Pasundan Village, at quest Gather mission, to fix bugs with no encounter monster, you can try to download patch file from this link below:

Youre welcome! ^_^ And ohh, that explains the quest bug during the bush picking part! <3 I'm glad you made a patch! :D Great job once again! ^_^