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I would love to add all of them but I'll rather stay with one request per month. I must fulfill requests from other producers/mentors as well as work on the game in general. It's a lot of time and I'm just small a solo dev 

I see, though I wish to do $50 in patreon every month,it will prove to be considered expensive and well I have to tighten my budget for personal reasons,Sorry about that but thanks anyway.

I assume that sooner or later some of the locations you mentioned will be in the game anyway, so just keep an eye on the project! 

Thats nice and if those places do appear in the game such as 

A desert background

Beach background

locker room shower background

forest background

jungle background

and mud wrestling background

The extra features to your virtual playground like

A gym

A shower

a sauna 

A sex bed room 

An oil massage 

Then I will try out the future  build of the game through patreon if it had those backgrounds ,for now I will have to do the long wait.