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Hi there!

Thanks so much for this feedback! But that problem of the sprites not loading does not come from my plugin. That is happening since the last RM MZ updates. You can find more detail on the link below:

About the reloadGame function, the thing is, by default, RM MZ will kinda close and reopen both the game window and the dev tools window when you press F5.

If you enable the quick restart plugin parameter, it will change that behavior to one that RM MV used, which is faster for debugging, because it does not close the game window.

If you do not want this feature, just set this parameter to false.

Let me know if I manage to help you with that answer! ^^

Hmmm... This is interesting and I will investigate further when I am back at my computer later. The thing is, it's only occurred for me so far when I had the plugin enabled, and I have failed to recreate it so far with the plugin disabled or when running vanilla rpg maker. I suppose I should check the section of code mentioned on the page you linked to see what it looks like in my project, and try hitting the refresh key a few times with the dev tools open and plugins turned off. Thanks!


Yes, if you try to replicate the instructions of the forum thread I sent to you, on a clean project, you will see the error happening.

(1 edit)

Yup, it looks like this is just a vanilla RPG maker problem. It happens if I keep opening the DevTools while refreshing, but I haven't seen it yet without opening the dev window. Strange bug. I thought it went away after I commented your code because, by coincidence, I must also have not had the dev window open when I tested at that time. Hope they fix it in future as it will make debugging somewhat frustrating at times. Maybe I should just go deeper myself and include an override of the method in question in my own code, if I can get around it that way. Thanks for your help!