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A member registered Aug 05, 2022

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(1 edit)

Yup, it looks like this is just a vanilla RPG maker problem. It happens if I keep opening the DevTools while refreshing, but I haven't seen it yet without opening the dev window. Strange bug. I thought it went away after I commented your code because, by coincidence, I must also have not had the dev window open when I tested at that time. Hope they fix it in future as it will make debugging somewhat frustrating at times. Maybe I should just go deeper myself and include an override of the method in question in my own code, if I can get around it that way. Thanks for your help!

Hmmm... This is interesting and I will investigate further when I am back at my computer later. The thing is, it's only occurred for me so far when I had the plugin enabled, and I have failed to recreate it so far with the plugin disabled or when running vanilla rpg maker. I suppose I should check the section of code mentioned on the page you linked to see what it looks like in my project, and try hitting the refresh key a few times with the dev tools open and plugins turned off. Thanks!

(2 edits)


EDIT: For anybody reading this later, please see the rest of the thread. This behaviour is actually caused by a bug in vanilla RPG maker itself, as pointed out by Hakuen below. Thanks!

I was using EliMZ_Book.js (Version 5.3.0) in combination with EliMZ_Zoom.js and I found that your override of the reloadGame function in EliMZ_Book.js appears to cause a bug on reload (e.g. via the F5 button), where event sprites and pictures that were on the screen when the game was restarted don't appear at first after reload (They reappear if a menu is opened and closed, so I suspect pushing and popping a scene triggers some refresh that causes them to come back). This also occurs with the title screen image if F5 is pressed on the title screen, as an example.

Not sure of the root cause, but commenting out the following section of code (Lines 2180-2187 in the version I have) seems to be a workaround in my case, so I will work with that for now:

Alias.SceneManager_reloadGame = SceneManager.reloadGame

SceneManager.reloadGame = function() {

    if(Eli.Book.playtest().quickRestart && Utils.isNwjs()){





The bug occurs even if I include only EliMZ_Book.js.

Sorry I didn't spend time to debug to help locate the root cause. I may come back to it if I find time later.

Hope that is helpful to you.
