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(2 edits) (+1)

Happy you enjoyed my thoughts :D For sure I'm enjoying your game even more.

I'll try Krog and Urso some more, I'm sure there are some strats I'm missing. The birds you mean Parra and Chikia? Do you think they are weak atm?

Also, I'm curious now, in your testing and thought-process, which team-combos do you think are stronger?
Don't answer, of course, if you think you would spoil the fun for us players XD

Oh, also, is there a name for the "combination abilities"? Like Magical, Haunted and such? I didn't know what to call them.


Ok so this is a quick list of my perceptions of strength, though this is mostly based on normal mode and often around testing a specific monster.  I do feel like they might be weak, or at least not up to their full potential. 

As for fun combos, most have already been talked about, even a few I never considered but theres a fun one with Scutter (Stealshell) + Seras (Slippery) to stack up a ton of Def on scutter and give him a Shattershard to deal tons of dmg with it.  Also Bone Ring on Slagg, plus can include another healer like Hydrim.  His decent health can be converted into alot of damage.   

The "combination abilities" are called Synergies :D


Oh wow! So different from my perception! Very interesting... Very very interesting... The Scutter/Seras combo does also sound very fun.

I'm personally having difficulties winning with Urso and Krogg in Calamity mode. In normal mode everything is possible, basically, but Calamity is really another matter.

Woad and Mabek at the end of the list is bonkers to me! XD They are incredible for me.

There is one thing that maybe I didn't explain enough: my perception was based a lot on "starting with them", in calamity mode. Because if you, for example, find Urso later on, when you can immediately evolve it and give it food, then you are good to go (still not as strong as others for me, though), but starting is tough.

In general, I'm personally having trouble at the start, for calamity. Less trouble (but still challenging) in the middle and trouble again in the end, with the final boss and some normal/elite enemies of the 3 zone.

For these reasons, the initial stats and strategies are way more important for me than the middle/last ones. Even I die early, in the end, or I don't, most of the time.


mabek got the damage output of a tank without the survivabillity 

woad got interesting stats and kit but tough to work around it even kills weaker

monsters if you feed it with intelligence too much


One run I had a Whispering Skull and Circlet of Acuity on my Woad, he would almost instantly kill the whole party lol.  It was actually pretty strong but couldnt hold out vs the end boss 


They are both tricky to use, but I don't know what to say, I find them working very well for me. Mabek, I have to say, has fewer good combinations with other monsters, though. But it's very versatile and that's good


I havent actually done a ton of runs with the newest monsters too.  Mabek was feeling like they might be alittle too clunky to make "work" atm but maybe not!  Woads biggest drawback in my eyes is actually his low speed.  Alot of my perceptions are in the context of no items too which isnt completely accurate.  Also calamity's most punishing aspect is only having 2 wounds at the start, it might be too low cause it means you cant lose even 1 fight.


I think it's fun for that: it's hard and that's ok, it's freaking calamity mode! For now, my only little complain could be that, without a good defense, I'm not able to win, while in lesser difficulty modes I can do different strats, like all out attacks and speed and such.

Dunno how you could solve this though. It's tricky balancing a complex game like this.

Also, Haunted is top 2 Synergy for this, for me. Not losing wounds is amazing. Just amazing. Mabek is top aggressive for that too, for me personal.

Sticky figure seems detrimental, but on the long run is amazing.

It's an interesting concept: you can lose the battle, to win the war, in this game. I like it. I did not find this concept in other games like this, where you usually lose the run if you lose a battle.


I think its somewhat necessary for every build in calamity to not be viable.  The main challenge of it becomes more of your build, since there arent as many ways to interact with the game compared to say action game.   I think one way to help would be more diversity in useful items for other strategies, but finding the right ones is a whole nother problem on its own. 


Makes sense. It's a little sad to not be able to win with the same number of strategies though, or at least more different ones. In the last days I tried new strats but I can't manage to make them work. If I don't have enough defense, I die :/ Dunno. I would love to be able to make a "super aggro/speed team" or something like that. But maybe I'm just not putting myself too much in it. It is freaking "Calamity" mode! It has to be hard! XD