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(1 edit) (+3)

A truly egguberant game, it was indeed eggxactly what I needed to cheer me up during these trying times!

From hearing you talk about it during the jam, and getting those eggclusive insights into your process, I was already eggspecting to enjoy it… and was delighted to find that it just eggxudes happiness! In truth, it’s hard to eggpress the joyous feeling I got from this eggsperience, and by the end I was truly sorry to eggxit.

I realise there is no eggcuse for being so late with this comment, but after being wayLAID during my last visit, this is now the second time round writing it.

I will not begg for more content, but should you ever wish to eggspand it, I will legg it over here and will be delighted to spend time with Eggbert eggain.


(edited because I mispelled egguberant and that could not stand)


this is eggtremely high-effort egg and i eggpreciegg it