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(2 edits)

sorry its been so long!! between ludum dare and various other things i havent been able to work on this game since last week. development is probably going to be slow for the next little while but i found some time to implement some little fishies

its kinda tough to see whats going on in a gif, but basically unless ur moving ur cursor very slowly when u go to scan the fish, it'll get scared and go hide in its lil hidey-hole.

the basic idea of the game is to have all the biomes correspond to different tools, and all the creatures are little 'puzzles' that you have to use the tool of that biome to solve. the tool for this biome is the FLASHLIGHT. the fish get scared of the light and run away.

right now i have four biomes planned for the demo, and ive finished the visuals / theming / corresponding tool for all of them. i also have the monsters mostly made or planned out for all of them.

ALSO: still totally struggling for a name for this game. nounoursheureux made a good suggestion with finding the name for the planet, so i tried to find a roman/greek deity name for it but none of them are really grabbing me. so the thread's still gonna be called space research game for the next little while, unfortunately :(

EDIT: what do you guys think about Terranaut?

Terranaut is a great name, but it seems a little too similar to Terraria. I think that people get irritated by all that 'cloning' thing and even though your game is not a clone, people will think what they want to. :P And great progress so far, I am a fan already. :)