So much potential!
- The used assets are good
- Your game as music
- The idea is amazing and I'm jealous that I didn't think of it myself
Things that should be improved:
- I don't think this game is beatable - the enemy base pumps out troops much faster. This could be fixed by:
- Decreasing the enemies spawning abilities
- Increasing the about of biomass production
- Decreasing the price of parts
- Need more feedback from the things happening: troop health bars, damage indicators, biomass gain messages for when you gain mass from enemies or passively
- The body parts don't match up sometimes - the legs are detached from the body
Things that could be fixed:
- Music doesn't loop in a level
- Some of the body parts render over the castle, some under
- Enemies sometimes don't have heads - I'm guessing the wolf head is broken for the enemy troop
- Crocodile feet are faster than wolf feet - should be the opposite based on logic
Other improvements:
- More options for troops
- Add the stats to the in-game shop on hover
It would be very cool if some of these things would be added after the game jam because this could be a very cool game that could be built upon with more and more content.