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(1 edit)

Hi, thanks for playing. I just typed up a slightly longer message only to accidentally hit refresh, so I'll summarise a bit more briefly:

- Right now the plan is to give it an 'edition' title, ie: 'First Cut: Sharpened' (just an example).

- I'll figure out some cool secret maps for sure.

- The Custom stage loads the 'custom' image included in the game folder. You can edit that image to create your own (indoor) background (ie: I'll try to include a folder in the new version for loading multiple images.

- The fighting system works the same way, just with some improvements to increase depth. Changing stances now takes some extra time and repeating the same attack takes longer than comboing. The old game had a 'fatigue' system to slow down attacks if the player was spamming and missing repeatedly, this is removed in the new version since it was made redundant by the new improvements to combat.

- I'll include more options this time around, including a blood/gore toggle. I've already included a blunt wooden sword that can be selected to avoid drawing blood. There are also more gore effects and variations in this version (you can cut off the head partially, then take the rest off). There's a control-bindings menu now so you can remap your keyboard, mouse, and controller buttons. It should work with any standard usb controller, though I haven't tested it with a nintendo one.

- Currently there aren't any plans for multiple weapons (except reskins). Maybe I'll address the idea post-release, but it's very important to keep players on equal-footing and avoid creating a 'meta' build since each fight can end so quickly.

- I like the near-hit idea, and the oni mask. I've added them to my notes.


Hey Drasnus, I'm so happy you replied and liked the near miss idea, my friend actually came up with it and thought it should be included. I saw a user by the name Grindologist and he was responding people's questions, do you know him? On that note he said the game will be on steam, is it true?

I'm sorry for the long texts, I'm just so hyped and exited and am trying to keep up with all the incredible stuff you're doing, btw, the water effect on the players robe's was so dope, me and the guys just flipped when we saw that

If you ever feel the need to include something but don't know what, be free to come back to my comment, I edit and update my comment everytime I think of something knew.

Never thought of myself as the type of person to get exited seeing a creator responding to my post but the game really is unique and most definetly going in the right direction so I'm really hyped

Well, thanks for the update and I'm so psyched to see the newest log, doing great stuff man, take care

No problem, I'm glad you're excited. Grindologist is an investor in the new project and you can thank him for its existence. The plan is to sell the game on and Steam, at minimum. I'll check out your post again from time to time.

So, hey again, I updated my original comment but thought if I included the vid there, it would just be too big and distracting(like if the 16 paragraphs didn't do that already) so I'll just show it here:

- A possible map could be a dojo with katanas, shurikens, nunchucks, sais and stuff like that on the wall, and maybe an old bamboo spining fan on the cieling, I found an image that goes great with what i was thinking but, I couldn't make the forground work so I just said fck it and deleted it all togethor but that didn't work either so could you consider fixing it or making it easier to implement in the premium version?(consider, I tried making it work for like 40 minutes without any luck so, yeah...)

As you can see, the blood doesn't splatter correctly and there's a little space between the feet and "ground" but I guess that doesn't matter.

Here's the image if you want to use it as a reference or whatever:

Here's the link just in case:

Dojo background | Anime background, Dojo, Anime scenery

(It actually automatically pixilated when entering the game so that's pretty dope)

In regards to the penalties to players, you said you'll be removing that and implementing a new feature in where depending on the position of the sword it will change how fast the attack is executed, could you expand more on this cause, when you finish an attack your sword pretty much teleports to the position you're holding it in so it wouldn't really matter? Now, if you are saying that it'll take more time for the sword to go into that position, it'll make you completly vulnerabal to attacks since you won't be able to block in sufficient time. I ask you this now because, you've already gone over this in log two, and I thought you weren't going to repeat what you already explained.

(2 edits)

Hey, sorry to hear you're having problems. The original custom map was intended for maps like 'indoors', with a flat perspective and a wall right behind the players. The 'foreground' image is intended for the floor section under them. An image like this dojo would work best with the other style of stage like 'Temple', with blood spreading on the floor instead, but the Custom stage doesn't support that feature in the old build. Right now updates to the old build are very low priority for me since I'm so busy with the new version.

You read that right, when you do a 'high' attack the sword will end up in the low position and it will take some extra frames to bring it back up to the top again for subsequent high attacks, but you can combo it into a low strike for a faster follow-up attack. The less-snappy sword positions do make each player slightly more vulnerable, but it's only by fractions of a second, and you can still easily react to enemy strikes in time to block them because the attack windups take much more time. In practice it's not a huge change and the game feels much the same, but it now allows for more mind-games and tactical depth when reading your opponent.