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Hey, this is a fantastic game! 

I loved the narrative, especially the "Fear of the Dark" reference.

I have some feedback:

  • It would be nice to have the option to remove the old tv post-processing, it looks weird on a big curved monitor.
  • I got some skill upgrades duplicated, and it should be unique to give  the players more options
  • Do the enemies stop chasing the player if they are too far away? It feels unnatural.
  • The player could have some initial projectile, independent of the initial upgrade.
  • What does the heart pickup do?
  • Destructible objects could be more apparent

I also have a pretty similar game, and I'd love to hear your opinion! 

Here's the link.



Those are some very valid points you bring, for sure some I'd like to improve on some of them. The blue "heart" is actually a random powerup you get that gives you a temporary boost in speed, damage, etc - It should be more apparent when there are more enemies on screen.

And I'll be checking out your game for sure, thanks for the comment!


Thanks for your reply! Please let me know if you make any improvements to the gam