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A member registered Oct 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sure, when I click to move it seems like it takes a fraction of a second for the character start moving. This becomes more apparent when the player moves horizontally for some time and let go the button, because players can see the character moving for a brief time without any button pressed.

I'm playing with a keyboard, so it's a bit weird, it should stop immediately after I release the button. Same thing for the dash, it looks like there's a small delay. 

Maybe it's related to the animation or you're adding up the input and reducing it in multiple frames instead of setting it to zero.

Got it. I'll follow you to keep in the loop ;)

If you're interested I can help getting you game published on other comercial platforms, to get more players and maybe some money for your effort :P  Like I did with mine :D 

Hey, thanks for playing my games :D 

The city builder was the last one I worked on, I'm making a new multiplayer platformer now ;) 

The new game sounds exciting! Do you have a Discord?

Hey, this is super super cool! Congrats on the new spin to tic tac toe, it made it super fun! 

Do you have a Discord server?

Hey, it's a great game, but I thought the controls a bit weird. It doesn't seem super snappy, and jump+dash+jump+dash feels like too many sequence controls for moving around.

Are you still working on it?

Funny, but it's a shame it freezes badly when the ball hits something.

The shake could be turned off by default, the moving background + shaking effect made me dizzy :P 

Hey guys, this is awesome! It's been a while since I last saw a cool and RPG like this one! Congrats!!

Are you still working on it?

Wow, this is really cool! Spent too long getting the strategy set. It was super fun seeing the deck evolve and the new enemies appearing.

Are you still working on it?

this is super super cool! Are you still working on it?

Hey, it's a nice game, but it's too difficult.

Hey, really cool! Are you still working on it? 

Well, you can use that as a promotion page to get wishlist and downloads on Steam. I do it for my hero battle game, you can check it out on my profile. 

I can also help you out if you're interested

Wow, this is super cool! 🎉 

Have you thought about making a web build??


Can I reach out to you via email to discuss bringing it to other web portals? You can monetize the current version already, and create more awareness with a bigger audience ;) 

this is awesome! took a while to learn how to play, but there's a lot of potential! 

Are you still working on this?\

Hey, really really cool! I loved the responsiveness and the overall vibe of the game!

Are you still working on it?

Hey, this is super cool, congrats!

I wish the character movements were a bit faster and that the question posed kept active on the answer box, just in case we forget, or skip the last part.

Are you planning to bring this game to other platforms?

It could be the camera issue you mentioned. Can't you let the camera refresh on the FPS the game is running?

Have you thought about making it a web game ?

Cool, let me know when the new update comes out.

For the UI, I think placing things closer to each other would make it better, for example, leave only the settings button on the top right, and the rest put together in the other menu.

Also, make all the buttons the same size, no matter the text to give it a more standard look. 

Thanks for your reply.

Changing the controls helped, but it's still too much :P 

I recommend automating some stuff, like:

if there's not reason to NOT grind, make sure player grinds automatically.

Make shots either never miss the target, to to keep shooting all the time, without pressing the key, or, at least, allow the player to hold the shooting button.

Ideally, speed up and down would also be automatic, but this might change too much the game

Really really fun! Well done

Really cool, would like to see more content and better UI

Hey, the game looks nice, and it has a lot of potential, but I felt the controls were anything but intuitive.
I'd expect rotating with left and right, and speeding with up and down, not the opposite. Add to that other 4 buttons for dash, shoot, grind and jump, it's just a huge mess. Maybe with a controller it's possible, but with the keyboard it became overwhelming.
My suggestions:
1. Change the rotation to left and right, remove speed up and speed down
2. Make grinds automatic
3. Don't penalize the player for missing the grind, maybe slow it down, but don't damage.
4. Do something about shooting that makes it never miss the target, and kill the first enemies with a single shot.

I tried like five times and couldn't beat level 1.

Hey, it's a really pretty game. The only setback is that the game lags a bit. I wouldn't expect it from a 2D platformer, so maybe there's something that can be done to improve performance.

Are you planning only on the Steam release? I think this could do well as a web game too.

Lol, it only took me a month, but I sent it

Thanks, I've sent you the friend request

Sure, feel free to add me there :D 

I'll play it again and might have some extra feedback. Do you have a Discord or something?

Hey, any luck with the web version?

Thanks! Glad you liked it!

Fantastic! But now I can't see the web version anymore :X

I never download games, can you please reenable it?

Cool! Let me know when you launch an update!

Are you planning on bringing the game to other platforms?

Great to know! Please ping me when there's an update!!

For most of my games I'm using this system:

It works well on WebGL too ;) 

I can share the code I use on Discord if you want, I've added a bunch of things that allow to export and import saves.

Cool! Let me know when you update it!

Lol, would kill half the map in a single flip

Are you planning to work on this any more?

Lol iI think flipping should be nerfed, it's super overpowered! 

Lol, I got to like 11... 

Really fun!

Cool! Do you use discord? I have some ideas to improve the game

Hey, it looks super super cool, unfortunately it doesn't work very well. I tried playing 3x and all of them the game stopped responding. 

Would love to be able to play a full match.