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(1 edit) (+2)

My Roswell Theory"
Obvious spoilers, dummy! I also made an Orlando Theory not too below. You can check it out if you'd like, I don't know.

Now that those pesky people that haven't finished the game yet have left, WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH YOU ROSWELL!!! YOU KILLED BENSON!!! WAAAAH!

Now, let's get to this theory that was purely fueled by my anger towards that gremlin.

Why he's a prime suspect? Well, given the fact that his health was deteriorating, I'd say he's probably a one-time tool for Memphis. Memphis wanted the vault. Didn't it occur to you that Roswell somehow hosted this vacation exactly where Oswin lives? That can't be a coincidence. Moreso, I think Memphis and Roswell (or by extent, his family) have arranged a deal. 

AFAIR, the thing that is hiding inside the Vault is Oswin's failed work, a magical syringe that can cure anything possible (again, AFAIR). So, given that Roswell had some brain cancer, it would make sense that Roswell would team up with Memphis. After all, Memphis was only interested with the "time travel" mumbo-jumbo of the Vault. It's a fair trade for both parties! 

Now let's see about Roswell's death in the 1st Password. His head is open wide by blunt force... by a book. Weird. But it's also another odd one out of the bunch. Hoss was killed by (what seems to be) Jack's hunting knife, the same knife that killed Oswin in B & G. Dean was poisoned by not washing hands (or Orlando poisoned him), Sal was locked inside a freezer (although I'm sure this was Hypnos/Thanatos' fault), and Tyson was ravaged by an animal of some sorts (Probably Dom's doings since Dean DID say it was probably a bear, and Dom is the only bear we have seen so far other than that bus driver Liam). 

The reason why I brought up Roswell's death is because it was definitely inflicted by Oswin or Benson. Sure, Oswin did deny killing Roswell by saying he was in the lab all day, and later said he was hiding behind the shelves, but you seriously trust him 100%? Nah. Oswin is a dirty man himself (still gives me chills with the Thanatos reveal in the good timelines). It's possible that Oswin somehow knew of Roswell's head condition. He DID have possession of a robot that literally has access to every single dialogue of them in the known multi-verse. What's there to say that Oswin asked Thanatos anything about Roswell.

I don't really know what Oswin would do with Roswell's brain. To be frank, I'm not even sure if he did take Roswell's brain. But that's not important. We'll be talking about Roswin. And no, this is not a ship (maybe). Memphis and Oswin has talked in the past before. Maybe SOMEHOW Memphis knew about Oswin's desire to care for children. And sure after that disastrous trial where he killed ~100 children, Oswin was plainly ruined and vowed himself unfit for nurturing kids. Well, who else is a prime pick other than Roswell? Sure, both are boars which gains sympathy points, but that's the perfect way for Memphis to sneak in a mole. A mole Oswin would probably least suspect.

Now let's go to the point where I'm SUPER pissed. Benson's death in F. Roswell stated that Benson pulled a gun at him and fired, causing Roswell to shoot back and kill Benson. Dean literally said that Roswell couldn't have gotten a gun... UNLESS he stole it from Jack's corpse. Roswell was the only one that inspected the corpse (ISTG Dave if you only checked it yourself...) and who's to say he hid a gun from Dave and only revealed the remote detonator. And about the 2 gunshots the gang heard, who's to say Roswell's 1st shot killed Benson, then he fired another shot to his direction just to stage Benson's sudden urge to kill him. Roswell definitely did this because now that Jack was gone, Memphis was gonna have a hard time getting in with Benson still alive. And with Oswin PRESUMABLY being deceased during this time, it was a perfect opportunity when him and Benson were alone.

EDIT: Foolhardy for me to instantly cook up this theory without even going through the Interrogation. But Roswell is just too smart for this. He's answering so badly that Hoss found out. Sure you can say it's the brain cancer but I don't think that's the case. Sure it gave Roswell colds, fevers, harsh breathings, but I doubt that's the reason why his intellect decreased to the point of not answering straight and saying an "I don't know" when asked how Benson missed his shot. Not going to be fat shaming, but in a dialogue in Tyson's route when he was about to leave Dave behind, he described Roswell and Orlando as "two lard-asses" meaning they're... big-boned... yeah. So you'd think a target like that, Benson would miss? He literally shot Jack, which I'd presume is slim AND fast. If Roswell WAS just dilly-dallying and looking for some C4, you'd think Benson just killed him there and then? NOPE. Roswell is suspicious.
Well that's all! I literally just came up this theory today, while typing (also did the same method with the Orlando Route). I find it hilarious I immediately made a Roswell Theory because he killed Benson, it's probably because I just find Benson so reassuring. 

Thoughts? Try debunking me!


Try debunking you? Well... Alright.

You may want to re-examine those deaths you mentioned. Your memory of the crime scenes isn't accurate, mostly in the murder weapon but in an auxiliary manner the method of execution.

But let's talk about guns. There's a bigger problem with what you put forward about Path F.

We know Jack's method of violence is a knife. He's never had a gun, so to that end Roswell can't have picked one off his body assuming we're playing fair. Which then leads us with a problem of where Roswell got the gun. Mostly because we know that Oswin's gun was handed off to Sal before Jack's arrival, and Benson has his own. 

Because we (as Dave) haven't seen the state of the room where Benson fell, we only have one testimony to go off. But I'm sure you can already see the problem in what was reported based on what we know of the weapons in play on that day already.


HMMMMMM... (Spoilers ahead again, buckar0o)

Eep, sorry about that misconception about Roswell's murder, I'll probably do a marathon run of Password again XD.

Well to be fair I'm kind of stumped. If there's 2 guns in the manor, then dang how did Roswell even get a gun to shoot Benson? Roswell said he "found it". And to be fair we (As Dave) has yet to see the crime scene. 

Or idk, maybe Jack somehow had one for safety measures? I know he's a knife person, but when you're in a mission like invading a giant ass mansion housing a butler which is the biggest threat with guns? Yeah... i'll admit, this point is kind of weak...

But one thing's for sure, Roswell is just too suspicious. It's just raising too many red flags. As Dean (or the one that went up to investigate the gunshot, I forgot :(((   )  said, Roswell had a gun when literally the only 2 known guns were with Sal and Benson. Does this mean Roswell had a gun all along? Possible. After all, I AM condemning Roswell as the secret killer right now. It's possible. And with the fact he was lying about it is just too suspicious, is it not? 

Also I dug deeper during the interrogation. About where Roswell was during Day 17 (W-----L-) was happening. During those times when Dave was asking Tyson and Orlando, Roswell was somehow always in the foyer, seemingly watching Dave just go down the Vault. Maybe trying to figure out the pieces. He probably figured out that Tyson and Orlando are marked for death, y'know, them just yelling upstairs and shit, and Dave just frantically asking both of them. So when Dave failed this day's PW, Roswell hatched a plan for Tyson to get super pissed at Orlando, as well as finding a way for Jack to sneak in and kill Oswin. 

It just aligns too perfectly as well. Tyson, having killed Orlando, will definitely look bad on him especially when everyone sees it. Knowing that Benson would shoot down anything that is a threat (just like with Jack in The Chase, but effin' missed), Benson would definitely shoot a ballistic werewolf that just murdered without reason. When everyone was outside witnessing Tyson covered in dragon blood, it was a golden opportunity for Roswell to let Jack in and end Oswin. This will obviously lead Benson in a sorry state. But sadly this didn't really make Benson tired. 

And so when Jack returned to avenge Dom, he died to Benson's gunman skills. Roswell definitely thought "Fuck, how will Memphis get here if Benson still exists?" And so that's why Benson died. Roswell decided to pull out his gun and shoot the unsuspecting otter. This would give Memphis more of a chance to fight. 
Holy shit, it MAKES SENSE NOW!!! I love making theories by scratch. 

So when we revealed Oswin, that probably led the traitor (assumingly Roswell rn) to tell Jack. This in turn, killed Oswin earlier. When he was dead in Day 17, it went earlier to Day 11. And because Oswin was dead, Benson vowed to keep watch of the mansion. AND THIS in turn caused Benson to lose sleep. And if you chose Path G whereas Oswin died early AND Tyson and Orlando dies, Benson couldn't handle the pressure no more. He DID pass out. So that's probably why he failed shooting Jack at the time, because he was tired af. RIP Benson.

And so during F,  that's when Oswin only died, not really making Benson tired to miss the shot in F. RIP Jack!

Anyways this was fun, me insisting that Roswell is a killer just because he killed Benson. XD (Also hi again, grizz)

(1 edit) (+2)

The guns Dom's, Dean picks it up after being told by Thanatos and just leaves it lying around in his room. The knife is Oz's you can ask him about it during the questioning. Oz says he just left it lying around the mansion but doesn't know where it is.


Correct, Dominic's gun is also in play though at what point would Roswell be incentivized to go and retrieve it? We know from the sequence of events that Benson's movements insofar as letting Hoss into the library, back through the passage and upstairs would imply that he was the one pursuing and not the one that had been ambushed. With this in mind, the rationale for Roswell to even consider getting the gun falls apart, unless you can find another reason why he'd have a motive to do any of that.

As Cerberus said, the knife was Oswin's. And as we see from the crime scene, the way in which he was killed doesn't line up for someone like Jack who is not the best at stealth from the amount of branches he supposedly steps on through the woods when Dave is around. Additionally, he has at least two knives of his own; why would you suddenly swap weapons when you have no hesitation of using your own as-is?

Then I suppose the final sticking point is the Benson v Memphis match-up. We see already from the bad path ends that Memphis isn't too concerned with Benson when they confront one another in the mansion, which gets them their escape after Benson threatens to shoot Oswin instead. 

I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm not saying you're right, but your reasoning is fundamentally flawed based on what's in-game already. 

Also hi.


jsfnakjfnakjfnasjksfn thanks for the debunk. I just made the theory for fun (and partially because I'm mad Benson died) 


Just remember that anyone is fair game and I suppose... he doesn't always die. At least so far.

A- oh. I always thought that knife was Jack's... well... even then, Jack probably wouldn't just leave HIS knife when he killed Oswin. He probably found Oz's knife by luck and used it.


Can't have, Hoss's bad end day 6 means whoever is responsible would already have picked up the knife and jack isn't intrested in going near the mansion till he knows if bensons around. 


Just passing down some wisdom, in case you know then great, if case you don't than hopefully you'll find it useful;

Something that I learned from a Phoenix Wright gameplay actually, but if you're stuck in a information because it doesn't appear to fit anywhere, or you can't think of an information that fits, try changing your line of questioning. 

If you can't find a motive for X person to do something for example, change the question from "Why did they chose to do this?" To "Why did they had to do this?"

You don't have to do this all the time, but you could try it the next time you get stuck on an information, especially if it's a question; try changing the question itself. 

Most often than not it might lead to possibilities that can be easily debunked, but even that can be useful. I sure hope it's helpful \(   \)