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Sorry. You could have just said something. Should I remove the Pokémon bot and the nsfw channel?


pokemon bot and other bits (except music bot) maybe was fun, but now it's forgotten and don't used by anybody. But nsfw channel can exist, for content diversity.

And discord server have few pluses: in comment section you must wait half-day, one day or two for reply, in discord you get replies instantly. In discord you can post spoilers, secrets and other things (special channel exists), but comments are visible to everyone, and somebody can lose interest by reading all comments (but this have low probability, but ok)

Fireydeath and you just can not visit other channels you don't like, or say what you don't like.

Nobody talks about nsfw, it just was few spudid jokes.

(2 edits)

Actually I did, I ragequitted before I stormed away.  Kinda.

Anyway I don't freaking care anymore...

I'm gonna make sure it is absolutely over though because I'm still sick to death of it.

Wait, remove the NSFW channel??? OMG DO ITTTTTTT DOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITDOITGOIKY (I never went there but there were discussions leaking into the other channels)


Let this channel exist, i want to remove it too after i saw what's happening here, but... Let this just exist, for "special" type of users.

And about nsfw joking and talking in other channels, i can add the rule about that, "don't talk about nsfw sh!t in other channels", i will personally look after it.

The rule already exists.