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I thought this was really cool and relaxing. I put becalm on while I hung the washing out to dry and just chilled.

If only it was longer than 5 minutes though.

Thanks DEVs

(2 edits) (+1)

I also took the liberty of making a four hour screenaver which is in the midst of being processed, i hope you don't mind. When its up i'll add a video link for you DEVS. superb.


Thank you very much for the positive comments and the videos!! Haha love the fact you made an hours long video :) I'll think about making a perpetual version then ;)

I personally think that that is a great idea.  Think of the bigger picture here in that someone in a TV store could potentially play the screensaver playing on a couple of TV's for a couple of hours and from a distance it would look really nice.


Just released an endless mode :) Hope you enjoy!!

I did indeed play the endless mode and  it's smashing. Here is a link to the video.

well done DEVS
