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Thank you so much for reviewing what I have so far! I appreciate all of your advice and commentary! It made my day! I made the game for a game jam And yes I can say I was a bit ambitious for the time frame I had! But I am planning on expanding the chapter and finishing the ones I have left over this month and the next, I will be submitting the rest into another jam that will allow me to keep working on this! So is a great opportunity to keep working on it! 

Due to the time constraints I did have problems with the grammar. Also some aspects of chapter one were rushed. I wanted to give the player a complete experience for chapter one but once again due to the time constraints I had to cut off a lot of material sadly Q_Q. 

But there is hope as i mentioned before! 

I really loved your idea of expanding more story with the animals XD I thought it was a funny addition inspired on the animal familiar trope in many series like Sailor Moon and Madoka magical girl.