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(7 edits)

Wonderful update features in v1.10, can be used to narrow down searches greatly. This is the most amazing tool for this engine debugging imo. I think another very needed feature is the ability to sort the tabs like "Comment" especially in the variables tab in ascending or descending order. Sometime its a real pain as the list is sorted randomly when trying to track down the variable number and its changes to the next value.  Or add feature like search between two values etc.

Another feature if possible, would be the ability to find maps that teleport to another map. In other words, which map teleport to this map. Currently I don't think there is any way to find this in the game engine besides actually knowing the exact map event to see the teleport location. Would be another nice feature to add imo. As always thanks for your amazing work and keeping this tool updated.


Thank you so much for the suggestions! :) Sorting the columns definitely sounds like a good and easy to implement feature.

I've been thinking about visualising map teleports as well. It's definitely something I personally could also use for my project.