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I like the aesthetics. The gameplay was interesting, but my main criticism is that rolling the dice when you take them out of chests just seems to waste time. Maybe if the character had a single slot, and chests contained dice that were infinite in uses, but could only roll certain numbers. That way you'd have to backtrack to use other dice. That may be unfun, so perhaps two or three slots, with each dice weighing the character down, making movement not impossible but much trickier if you carry every dice for every optional path.

Knowing to keep the scope small was good. Many games, my team's included, tried to implement too many ideas and not quite finishing the initial vision. Your game was pleasant to sit through and didn't overstay its welcome. I'd like to see more when the gameplay is fleshed out more, if you're going to continue development. Nice job.

Thanks so much for playing! I am definitely planning to continue development on this game. Most of the issues you addressed will (hopefully) be resolved by the time the final version is released. I am planning to create several devlogs in the meantime, however!