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Thanks for playing. It keeps pausing the game everytime you try to jump is because you use Space to jump. Unity's default settings somehow allows you to click the button you hover over when you press Space for some reason. It was definitely not intended. I only found about it after the game jam ended so it was too late to patch it. It's clearly pointed out in the instructions that you should use W to jump but I can understand that it's just muscle memory for some people to jump with Space. I wish I didn't add Space to the input list for jumping for accessibility in the first place. But yeah, thank you for the feedback. I hope you can give our game another try with knowing how to avoid that one silly bug...


Oh wow, I didn't realize. Actually I guess it's really useful you let me know that, so whenever I make a game that uses the space bar I can avoid it now. I'll raise my rating, since it was technically my fault for never trying the up key. Thanks for letting me know!


No problem! Thank you for kindness and considering it.