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(1 edit)

I noticed the new cover art. It looks cleaner overall, but the MC's head looks strangely small compared to the rest of the body, and Ole's redesign appears to be only in the cover art and not in game? Or is it in the Patreon version?

Ole's redesign is in the public v0.0.2 version :3 but oh well I can see MC's heads smaller haha, I'll fix that right away

(2 edits)

Ohh, I see what happened. I didn't notice that the version numbers changed from 1.x.x to 0.x.x. So I was actually playing 1.0.2, which is older than 0.0.2. I am used to the last version listed being the newest, but it's actually numerical and not chronological.

I'll go ahead and uninstall then re-install, so I don't get confused by the multiple versions I have installed :P

oh I'm sorry for the confusion~ I guess 1.0.x should be prototype (I didn't know about the tradition of naming patches 0.0.x instead) so now 0.0.x patches would be more consistent in release schedule~