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I really love the art and animations for all the characters, although some of the main character's animation gets lost in the black background.

I do think the main character's attack seems a bit stunted since so many enemies are kind of hard to hit, specifically the red and green enemies.  It would probably feel better if the first attack either came out faster or had a longer range or had an element to it that hit upwards.

Some sort of dash could also really help with getting to hard to reach enemies and also help move around the map faster and more satisfyingly.

The dice mechanic works really well and it's not overly complicated and just provides a dash of strategy.

Overall this is a really fun game and I liked it a lot <3


Wow, thanks for the detailed feedback and for playing <3

Thank you <3

If it's not too much to ask would you want to rate my game before ratings close in a bit?