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I loved the cute art! The gameplay was a little hit-and-miss. I think a little more control for the player about which element they get would be great (e.g. dice weighted towards certain elements) or give them a way to store an element for later, in case all of the remaining enemies are healed by it.

Another way to make the die rolling more interesting would be to charge the player a heart each time they roll when the bar isn't full. That way, they could try to push their luck to defeat the enemies more quickly.


Thank you for playing! In fact, you can control the weights of the dice, for each beaten wave of enemies you'll get a new dice with different combinations of elements and then you can switch between them with Q and E. And if you don't like your current element applied, you can just "punch the air" to get rid of it (should've probably clarified that somewhere...)

I think charging the player a heart is too brutal for an already relatively hard game 😅

Thanks for the feedback!

Wow, thanks a lot for the feedback and ideas, we will definitely remember them and consider them when we finish the game. I think it will be even more interesting if, before throwing a dice with an incomplete charge, a dice with faces is thrown: [-2\-2\-2\-1\-1\ success], then there will be a chance to roll the dice without a charge AND without getting punished.

You can watch our vid about the development process and the course of our decision-making.

Once again, thank you so much for playing and commenting!