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What a banger ! The concept is something I've already seen in that jam, but the execution, OH GOD the execution.

Customisable dices, shops, rewards, 7 different types of sides, a map with branching pathes, the animations... Really, really good entry.

My only complain is about the difficulty curve, I've played quite a lot and never understood how I was supposed to absorb 20+ damage inflicted every turn with a tank in front : it would require either insane luck in the rewards, or it's just impossible xD. But it's expected for a 50h game jam, you obviously don't have time for fine-tuning everything =).

Also, please make rewards REAL rewards ^^'. One sword and one shield are NOT rewards, and shops are too occasional for the additionnal gold to be worth ^^'.

That being said, that was really cool and the level of polishing is insane. Probably the game I spent the most time on so far. If you update it, please ping me, I would love to play a more refined version =).


Wow, thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it, will definitely want to improve this in the near future :D