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(1 edit) (-6)

You seem to think I'm an idiot. News flash: I'm not. I'm just actually LGBT.

LGBT people do. not. ever. want to play as bigots for even a millisecond. I don't give a fuck if the character changes and matures. Which, contrary to what you seem to think, I already knew they would. That does not mean any LGBT person anywhere in the fucking world would have any desire to play a character like that.


Proof is in the pudding sweatheart. Your dramatic and immature responses drenched in over reaction stuffed full of logical fallacies coupled by your belief that you speak for me and others of the LGBTQ community is not just laughable, but it's all anybody needs in order to understand how invalid and non-credible your opinion actually is.

(2 edits) (-6)

You literally just described yourself. You also just admitted to being a bigot. Did you even read what you wrote before posting it?

Alternatively, you have absolutely no fucking clue what I said and are just disagreeing with me for the fuck of it. In other words, you are a pure troll. Which is it?


Wow, please excuse me. I'm just a little put back by your"No, you!" response. It is evident that you are either very young, or are suffering from some kind of deficiencies. Either way, enjoy your life of complaining.

(2 edits) (-6)

I'm suffering from an excess -- an excess of people like you. Get the fuck off this planet, asshole. The world does not need any bigots like you, especially those pretending to be LGBT in an attempt to make actual LGBT people look bad.

There is a one hundred percent chance that you either 1) are a cisgender straight white conservative man or 2) completely failed to grasp even the most basic of concepts in my original post.


I would think you are suffering from a severe case of immaturity, being underage (probably by a lot based off of your posts) and being a troll. This whole reverse psychology game you are playing at here pretending to be something your not, is just gross. You come in here, insult, accuse, assume, hard label, kink shame, wish death upon others, and defame, yet you claim to not only be apart of a very inclusive and ultimately kind and caring community, but also think you are speaking for us and representing us with this kind of conduct.

Plainly put, it's just disgusting. But trolling like what you are doing is common. So I will stop feeding you now.

(2 edits) (-5)

What the actual fuck are you smoking? Kink shaming? The only thing I have expressed opposition to is bigotry. Bigotry isn't a fucking kink. You have, since the very start, been advocating bigotry, and I have, from the start, been saying bigotry is wrong. You are the antithesis of inclusivity.

I absolutely don't think I'm speaking for you, and I also think that if you were LGBT yourself you wouldn't believe that anti-LGBT sentiment is good, as you so clearly do believe.

Also, I would be very surprised if I am not approximately fucking twice your age, since you sound like you're around 16 years old.

The only immature thing I've done here is continue to feed the troll, you, for as long as I have. But it seems you're getting bored of trolling now, since I've already called you on it.

(2 edits) (+2)

Another "No, YOU!" response... "Twice my age, eh?"

Now I actually am done with you. I'm starting to seriously pity and feel sad for you.

For anybody reading this far into this diatribe from this gross person and I.

Know that there is zero bigotry in this game. It is blatently obvious to any rational "Adult" who has read at least one book in their life time.
It has a handful of kinks to include forms of psychological humiliation, and degradation kink along with a few others in-between those.
The term Trap is an example of this given the context and will be used very loosely... Not a slur like the kiddo here thinks.
This game is created by a trans, gender fluid, a-sexual, individual whom is a great supporter of their community on this site and many others.

If you are thinking about playing it, don't expect any updates any time soon if you end up liking it, as the creator works on this in their spare time.

(5 edits) (-2)

The bigotry is literally right at the very fucking start of the game. Anyone who even attempts to play it can very clearly see that you are lying.

The fact that the game has kinks does not in any way, shape, or form imply that I ever kink-shamed anyone. I never once mentioned any kinks. That was all you.

You can't just decide that a slur isn't a slur. I don't think you even know what the word means. You seem to think it's a kink for some reason. It's a derogatory term for a transgender woman. That is not a kink. It's exactly the same thing as using the n-word to refer to a black person. Just use the transgender tag, it means the same thing and isn't offensive to anyone.

It's entirely possible that there isn't any further bigotry after the initial scene -- I wouldn't know, because, as an actual fucking LGBT person unlike you, I do not want to play as a bigot -- but if that's the case, there is a very simple solution to this problem: Change the opening scene. Done. Easy. I still wouldn't play it, since I don't want to play as a straight man, but you at least remove the offensive content from the game.