I finally got around to playing your game for a tiny bit.
Here is my take:
1. The tutorial was good. Informative and engaging. Very nice.
2. The game was using the 640, 480 graphics and used them well.
3. The music was nice, but the bandit battle song reminded me of
which is a good thing. Not sure if on purpose or not or inspired.Cons:
1. Even on easy the bandits at the start are a bit unfair.
2. The gallery had one of the pictures as the background of the gallery.
I found that a bit weird.
3. In the story, the main character looks up to a "To be announced" name of a hero. I think
you should have made up a name and changed it later. It would have sounded better.
Verdict: Overall the game was cute and enjoyable and I believe it has a bunch of potential.