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I guess 50k is enough...

The main mechanic was interesting but it was very cumbersome to reload them. I guess it's part of the chaotic fun though. It was quite easy to claim a good spot to defend because the AI just tried to come straight at you, even if their way was blocked.

Really didn't like how the dice you were dragging instantly disappeared if you drag it to the edge of the screen. I guess it was some despawning logic to clear stuff that is thrown off screen but it should ignore when dragging em. Lost so many dice this way while quickly trying to throw them to a slot while at the same time keeping an eye on my pawn and the enemies.

The frenzy upgrade would have been way more fun or it didn't leave all your stuff empty after it ended. I guess it's supposed to be just a last effort and hopefully clearing the board. The bomb was just 100 times better at doing so and not leaving you vulnerable afterwards.

The music was bangin', but I guess it wasn't made during the jam at least. But it did fit the action pretty well. The sounds effects did their job well too and there was a "proper" amount of screen shake etc to spice things up. I think in the pixel art department the player/enemy pawns could have had the same black outline instead of the colored one, made them kinda stick out from everything else. And some things like text and board tiles had this  second lighter border which made them look like just scaling artifacts. I don't think the pixel ratio was fully 1:1 everywhere either. Just small things that would make it look so much better (in my opinion at least).

But that's about it, good job! 👍

Wow, thanks for the long review! All very good criticism!
And 50k is a lot of points... I hope that means you had fun haha!