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Alright, clear, however, maybe I'm just too slow, but I tried with 'Z' and with 'CTRL' but I just don't fire in the bonus draw. I might be slow, but absolutely nothing happens, as if the fire key does not respond. Can't imagine I am THAT slow.

But unfortunately you are slow. :)
When the beep sounds, you have 0.5 seconds to shoot. Try testing here: :)

Nice test! This was my first time, but consistently scored around this number afterwards though. And I am 41 ;)

:) Well, then there's no stopping you from getting through the cowboy.My best result is 230 ms (it says I'm a robot) but I'll be 48.

Sorry, the game is bugged, absolutely nothing happens in the Bonus Draw. Not when I press fire at the beginning of the beep, not when I press fire right after the beep ended. We already established that I should be fast enough. Bummer, would've loved to see the next level.