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I liked the beats. I would have liked to see the final score on the end screen. I think the combat could have used a bit of balancing. The fact that the bullets pushed you back and forced a re-roll in some cases very a very nice touch, but things like the damage for 1s and 2s felt very under-powered, and I couldn't easily tell if an enemy had already lost health. Despite that, great job on the submission, it is quite solid.


Hi nDev!, I’m flattered that you liked my little project for this game jam and I have to mention that your game looks great too. As for the final score on the game over screen, I didn’t know how to implement it correctly, so I couldn’t include it in the game. And for bullets 1 and 2, I wanted them to feel like “mediocre” or underpowered shots in general, so I made the decision to make them feel somewhat unbalanced. Cheers!