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did you reach 15 points?
it unlocks exactly that

Ahh just did it right now! Apologies about that; looks like I went off a bit half-cocked. The new mechanic does add that extra zest that I had in mind. Maybe now you could make things even more challenging later on by adding in diagonals


Have you reached 1299411e5 points? 

It does exactly that  :^) 


Oh wow, you're right; sorry I didn't notice before! Maybe once you reach this point, you can transition the playing field into 3D and then send in D120s via all diagonal directions and the Z axis as well for that extra bit of challenge :P But seriously, you guys have a great product on your hands. I look forward to seeing what you guys have in store for us and wish your team the best of luck in your future endeavors! 

Anyway Thanks for enjoying the game! 

We will think on updating it and releasing on mobile mby