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That's a cute style and nice palette! I'd call it "Something Undertale-like, only with neat drawings" :D

You have a cool and smooth camera work but I felt betrayed when I jumped off a cliff and landed on an enemy which I didn't see :D

I think you could reposition camera to show upper platforms more to show player that they could reach it with their jump.

Also, you could add some UI with "exiting" from stations and chests. I pressed everything and then I figured out that I needed "Escape".

I suppose gml error in the end at the hitbox_dicer_obj was the opportunity to exit from the game :D

Maybe I was trying to be too practical and trying to minimize the failures by getting the whole dice together, and then I would already roll myself whatever I needed.

I really liked the style and music of the game. Your music was enjoyable and didn't bore me at all, well done!


Hey thanks for your detailed feedback. The cliff jump was a little unfair trap that i wanted to implement, but i undestand your point about that xD. And yeah the error at the end really made me sad. I recogniced it after my submission and it really made me mad. I already fixed the Bug in the newest version, but the jam version is buggy until you enter the Boss. I made the Boss in the last 30 min. I even tested the Boss, but i couldnt test the whole game at the end. By that the game had some errors by switching rooms. But congratulations you were the first one who made it so far i guess xD. I am really happy for that thanks! The idea with the quit button for the chests and stations is by the way a brilliant idea i didnt think about.