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(1 edit) (+2)

I will have to agree with Ryangatts's comment. My experience at first was me initially not knowing what to do. I was rolling the dice and couldn't figure out what was happening, but then I realized I had to balance it against the enemy's roll.

A better explanation on how the combat works would have been appropriate. All I focused on was on rolling big and just spammed all my spending on increased attack power.

I almost quit the game a few minutes in assuming that it was going to be the same combat encounter over and over again, but then I saw the tent and the shop. I realized I couldn't buy anything because I just kept upgrading my attack power. My remedy to fix this is to just in some way promise the player that something is going to change.

The dice mechanic is very nice and is creative in some way; it kind of reminds me of this minigame from that Bomberman game on Gamecube where you rolled which powers you used to fight against a creature. 

The presentation is decent.

Thank you for the detailed feedback!