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(1 edit) (+1)

Really good! I loved the way the levels are modified and how you choose your hit dice beforehand.
One minor thing: I'm not sure if the dice mechanic couldn't have been slightly better integrated. It might look too clunky/be too easy in some way but I feel like having the current and next number on the 'loaded' dice be visible so you can choose which enemy to hit next would be a good idea, since then you're really relying on the dice mechanic for tactics as well as damage (though this might only really provide a benefit if enemy health were displayed)... Just a thought :)

Edit: I've just seen your plans re: the fleshed out dice mechanics on another post - really great ideas :)

Thank you for the feedback!

That's a good idea, it would have given more agency to the player. We did plan to add an indicator of the damage amount, but at the point in time when the dice acutally hit the enemies (in-universe, the attacks are the dicerolls, so you're not supposed to know the result before throwing them).