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Several yeas ago I changed from my morning coffee(s) to having a up or 2 of tea.

My favorites:

Double Bergamot Earl Grey Black Tea Bags – Stash Tea

or Monika tea. Bold and confident. WILL wake you up!

Ginger Peach Green Tea Bags – Stash Tea

or Natsuki Tea. Once you get past the attitude, it's really quite naturally delicious.

Lady Gray - Twinings

or Sayori tea. Delightful and not as bold as Monika tea. Quite the surprise.

The above are all available at your grocery store.

I occasionally also have real Russian tea brewed in a teapot - but man that stuff wires me.

Hard to find (my in-laws bring me boxes when they come to visit from Russia):

French Truffle tea - Curtis tea

or Yuri tea. Deep and rich, very complex and satisfying.

1 tea bag of this + 1 bag of Twinings English Breakfast... so good.