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(1 edit)

It wasn't too bad.

  • The dice-based manual aiming does give you a bit of an edge in the early game where you're mostly doing guesswork anyway, so it was a cool addition. 
  • Though, I feel that making the oldest strike markers vanish after some time was a bit too punishing. 
  • And the ant colonies could have been more readable in the UI. 

But overall, it was a decent experience. 

(The game's not half bad, so it would have benefited from a Cover Image to help with discoverability in itch.)


Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback! I definitely agree that I could have made the colonies more recognizable especially with everything having the same pallete. I originally intended for the vanishing markers to simply show how recently ago each tile was hit, but the formula which calculates the brightness was a bit janky in the final build; that's a misstep on my part.