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(9 edits)

WOOOT!!! buy.

Ok, first impression. I LOVE the main menu screen. I like how clicking on the star alters the image to a darker one with the options. From a design standpoint, that is sweet. And as someone who particularly loves game design elements, I fan over that menu screen every time.

As for the boys, I honestly thought I would only love Lior. But I loved all of them. Even Shilo, who I really thought I'd dislike. I really seem to have a weakness for wicked characters (in stories at least), as he's so cruel and evil and yet I still found myself loving him (he did give me serious Light from Death Note vibes). Really great job writing his character. I enjoyed all three characters and all their good endings (both 1 and 2).

My canon endings for each boy are Confront Mom with Lior, Support whatever Path he chooses for Renan, and a tie for both endings for Shilo (though slightly tilted towards loving demon Shilo). xD

I also really enjoyed Lior's story and his 'curse'. And now I'm ready to zoom past  the bad endings, cause I also love Luci and want to see his side route with Belial. 

As always, I enjoyed the heck out of your game. But especially enjoyed playing a semi-evil demon. I'm kinda sad to almost be done. I don't get enough excuses to be a semi-evil demon. And you really nailed the semi-evil aspect, still doing evil things but making it fun. In fact, this may be hands down my favorite game of yours so far. (though I love all that I've played) xD

(also, all curses upon Lior's mother)


OMG I just watched Death Note a week ago and I love Light. I think I have a thing for wicked characters who think they're doing good aassfhjkl.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! So happy to hear that you like this one!