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I liked exploring the world as a dice on a tabletop game, it made exploring the levels more interesting! Plus, the visuals are really nice, and convey well that board game aesthetic! 

I would have liked to be able to maintain my direction keys instead of spamming them to move around quickly :') It is not a big issue but it gets tiring and it made me skip some dialogs unintentionnally!

For the combat system, I did not really understand how the face of the dice influenced anything, so I just dodged the attacks while staying very close to the ennemies and spamming the attack button and it worked!

Nice game overall, good job :)


Yeah, you're not the first to tell us about being able to keep the key down !

As soon as the votes ends we gonna update the game, making the movements faster when you're out of fight and also the possibility to stay pressed on the key.

About the influence of the dice face, it broke when we packed the game.

The 6 face was supposed to heal you. Also we gonna fix that and add a shield to the 1 face.

Thanks for your review, glad you liked the game !