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Very creative game! I love the menu design and the fact that the number of dots on the die updates whenever you damage it! Love the  Dani-style post processing XD. I myself am an admirer of Dani.

A little constructive feedback: as others have already mentioned, the pop-up disrupts the flow of the game. If you do really need it, would be better if you added a PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE instead of having the player drag their mouse to "CONTINUE" to close the pop-up.
Next would be to add a cooldown between the shots. I have an auto-clicker built into my mouse(I don't even know why there's one, just came with the mouse), and based on my experience, I'd recommend adding a cooldown so as to not make it too easy for those who have an insane CPS XD.

Overall very creative game, beautiful visuals and great take on the theme. 


Thanks for pointing out the auto clicker issue and giving awesome feedback, definitely something else on the list of things to work on! :)

No problem! Happy to help! :D