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Its incredible that you have created those voxel art and managed to make them a game in 2 days! I couldn't imagine how can this be done.

But maybe if I have to say something, the animation could be tuned a bit (personally I think the lag? delay? pause? effect after hit is too long). Also (although I know the time is super limited) you could add more gameplay mechanics into the game besides "die = attack". I found it quite hard to attack while positioning myself ... (I know maybe you have refined this in later version, but that's a jam entry so, already well done! xD)

GJ and congratz for making this in such a limited time!! I am a big fan of voxels.

( comes from your video and it's nice :3


Thank you very much! I love voxels too. and I have a lot of ideas, but It's no time to get it better.