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I really love the stories, but game is really slow. Also I would like to see some story changes which would depend on choiches. And some ingame instructions would be nice, cause first time i played, I was just randomly mashing right button, and didn't know that you can choose between yes or no :P Anyway, narrative is really great, keep it up ;)

The instructions are listed directly below the game in the description and in the installer.

There is nothing we can do with "the game is slow" as that could pertain to anything.

Whatever you say, I'm just giving you feedback  based on my playing eperience. It's your thing to decide what to do with it, you can ignore it if you want.


We fundamentally cannot do anything with "the game is slow" because you do not specify what part of the game felt slow.

I think they are talking about the walking animations in between the questions. I think it goes great with the game and atmosphere.