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When I first saw this browsing the submitters for vncup, I got really excited and hoped I would like it. This vn was surprising for its subversion of a few usual story conventions. The limited colour usage was such a great choice for this space-story, I really liked the details found in the backgrounds of scenes, and the character design was cute. To not spoil something I thought was done really well (yet still comment on it), the ending featured what was hinted at throughout in multiple forms, but remained a shock when it actually hit. The pacing of the several days of her work made it easy to follow her rhythm and take in her complicated dreams and visions. The music was neat and charming to fit with the space colony slice of life themes. Their feelings of being trapped in their life were easy to relate to, and made me hope there was a bright ending full of clarity for them...

a bit of a late reply, but thank you so much! you hit a lot of nails right on the head for what i was hoping would get across in this very short story, so i'm glad i was able to accomplish that in one way or another. Especially in regards to the 'rhythm' of Saturn's worklife being a way to put more emphasis on her dreams. thanks for reading! 💙