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It's not clear how I'm supposed to avoid the monsters when there's only one path and it's one square wide and the monsters move randomly. 

It feels like more could have been done in the allotted time. You probably spent your time making levels. I think improving the controls and tweaking the core gameplay loop would have been better.

But then again, your game works, and has content, and is creative. Maybe I'm just a bit bored because I don't like mazes, and judge your game more harshly than it deserves.

The monsters could be avoided by setting up torches to distract them, tricking them into getting stuck behind walls, or simply waiting until they get out of your way. Alternatively, just let them attack you and take the risk. Honestly, most of the time went into trying to write the AI for the mobs. This ended up being so buggy that just I scrapped it for the time being.

Improving the janky controls is definitely what I'll focus on first if I'm gonna develop this further.