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Very calming and nice :>
There is a point at which you have every slot full, and you just kinda get meaningless items, i wish you could build roads and expand the area or something, to make it look nicer, also having the goal of each building spawn randomly was kinda annoying because it would often mess up the pattern i was trying to make.

No sound is a bit sad, i could really imagine music affecting this game in an awesome way.

Also the disasters being random is very vague theme wise, but i guess it doesnt really take away from the expirience.



Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

In the future, I'd like to give more purpose to the individual items, not only functional purposes but also aesthetic. Ideally, items should be useful regardless of what stage of the game the player is in. I'll have to accomplish that some way in the future!

I agree that the random structure spawning can be a bit annoying sometimes and is something I want to revamp. Maybe the player can move them, or maybe they don't spawn automatically? We'll see.

Anyway, thanks for playing!