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Nice concept, and I think the minimalistic aesthetic you have going is quite strong (I also like the shader where the player outline shows when inside the object). I do think it's quite difficult as the first dice lands perfectly in the square you can move around in, which makes sense, but other dice don't land in the square perfectly so it becomes really hard to get the position right, especially with a fixed perspective. If you want to keep it that way, maybe having the sun shadow position be different so the holes you need to stand in become nice and visible, a la the gameshow Hole in the Wall?

Thanks for playing my game and really thank you for the positive comment and feedback it helps a lot!

I played with the idea of the sun proyecting a dice's shadow where you can see the holes more clear, but It didn't work like I expected (pic attached). And on the other hand, the dice don't land perfectly in the player's square as I would be so easier as you only have to memorize two "safe spots".

Cheers :)