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I win! Got to level 31 on my first try!! Got pretty tight there for a moment though...

Overall pretty cool game! It's actually vaguely similar to my submission though completely different style (mine being fantasy top down shooter where you have multiple spells that are randomly picked). I really did enjoy your weapon system with the random ammo types you would get. I think it was also really smart to include two ammo's at once since it kept the game more engaging and if one didn't work out you could rely on the other while you emptied the other to reload.

My only nitpick is that it was a bit slow in beginning-mid and that there seemed to be pretty much only one enemy (I noticed that they were 1 - 6 and some were faster, but otherwise didn't see a difference). If this game was ever expanded I would suggest more enemies types, maybe a boss, and maybe slightly more character speed.

Otherwise though a truly excellent rouge-lite shooter!! Very good work your team did!!

Congratulations :D and ty for your feedback, I totally agree with it.

It was intended to add some kind of difficulty curve, which is why there are fewer enemies at the beginning. But I agree with you that it is a bit too slow. Unfortunately, the exciting part of the game starts  later in the game.  Thank you for your feedback though and playing our game.