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(1 edit) (+4)

Oh man, this is really fun and I feel like I'm just starting to get the hang of it. Best game score 354, best cake score 111, that'll do for now. :)

Edit: Okay, now best game/cake is 675/362 and I feel a bit more pleased with myself.


I'll have to invent a new cake adjective just to accomodate that score! :)


Don't feel in a hurry, none of my other attempts even got close  -- I think I got pretty lucky with my ingredients that round!

480 for best single cake, crazy luck with getting the right ingredients. It was on one of the first few levels, the total score for the round was low 500. Best single round was low 700, cakes averaging over a hundred. The last round of that 700 something was terrible, the ingredients that came up were the worst!
