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I am rating games based on the Judge categories just for fun


Pretty basic RPG stuff. The shop system in the savepoint didn't seem to work for me. The encounters, while dodgeable, were really frustrating. Too many enemies for a level 1 party, specially since MP is scarce. If the idea was for it to be a punishment, I understand, but that goes out of the water when you are in that room with lots of encounters trying to figure out if there is something to do there, but encounters keep popping up from all sides



Basic RPG Maker assets. The party is fine, but at least I would have liked to customize their names. Not much else to say in this regard

[5/20] -> Doubled to 10


The encounters kill a lot of the motivation to keep going, and I was really curious about reaching the top of the tower. Those need to be toned down. I'm not sure if the shops would have lessened the impact, but they didn't work for me



The idea of a tower of puzzles is not the most original, but I could see effort put into it. The encounters and lack of a more defining battle mechanic kinda killed it though. In a market with so many similar looking RPG's, this one needs to change a lot to stand out


Total: 20/100 (1 Star)

Thanks for critique, and ouch, there's a lot!
Looking back on my original idea it's quite standard, and if anything, I'll just have to chalk up this IGMC as a learning experience and goal for next year. You've given me a lot to think about, but know that I'm not out yet.

Again, thanks for taking the time to play my game, I'll just use what I've learned and return stronger next year!

I felt I was very harsh, although I still stand by my opinions of the game. Thanks a lot for being a good sport about it and best of luck on your future gamedev endeavors!

Perhaps. But, I knew what I was getting into being a one-man crew attempting the prizes against everyone else. And, thanks!